Miracles related to Jesus Christ.

August 12, 2009

Sunday I was lead to a book titled Unsolved Miracles, compiled by John Van Diest. While reading this book, it occured to me that the internet and a blog site could be a really simple and easy way to expand on Mr. Van Diest’s work.

During this difficult economic time many people are suffering. I know that these are difficult days for me and my family. Many days it seems as though my prayers are hitting a glass ceiling and I am certain that is true for many others as well.

Reading accounts of our living God moving in the daily lives of believers may be an encouragement to a hurting soul.

So please post your accounts of how the same God that raised Jesus Christ from the tomb over 2000 years ago, is moving in your life during this 21st century.

I will try to get us started with a personal experience. It is a little old, but it is true.

The year is 1991 or 1992, my family (Myself, Freda and oldest daughter Jene’) are living at 1222 Chestnut, Paso Robles, CA.

The house is old and I was in the process of remodeling. Jene’ is about 1 year old and has just begun walking.

The back entry to the house was at the top of a staircase. The door was about 8 feet above the ground. The staircase and landing were decayed and I was rebuilding it. The rebuilding required completely removing the staircase and landing. 

Here is the scene, an open door leading to an 8 foot drop. Construction debris including concrete piers, wood with nails protruding on the ground immediately below the door. I am on the ground outside the door some distance away. 

Something draws my attention to the doorway, where I see my sweet toddler Jene’ approaching the open door. I call out to her, “Stop, move back!” (something in that vein), Jene’ doesn’t listen and simply walks right out into space and plummets toward a landing a midst the concrete, boards, nails and miscellaneous debris. 

It all happened so quickly that there wasn’t time to pray. I was to far from the door to have any chance of catching her. Certainly a trip to the emergency room was coming. But miraculously Jene’ didn’t suffer any injury. To the best of my memory she didn’t even suffer a scratch.

God clearly protected her. Thanks again Jesus.